11 February 2011

there's a place where i can go and tell my secrets to...

my room has recently acquired some much-needed prettiness after a few weeks of making me want to scream. some of the loveliness is thanks to the morning light peaking through my blinds, and the peaking (rather than gleaming) is thanks to one of them being broken and one being hard to reach, haha. 

due to my love of sharing pretty things, and requests from a certain person, here is a little documentation of some pretty additions, and a few things that still need some prettiness.

how pretty is my doorknob?

bedside. breakfast at tiffany's eye mask courtesy of tessa meakins,
poverty and justice bible courtesy of christina cupitt,
alarm clock courtesy of general mao. 

my bed and such. ignore the chaos to the left...
that lamp has hopes of being a pretty yellow on the bottom 
and having a yellow bird stitched on to its shade in the near future. 
unless i change my mind.

His banner over me is love


the o and e are a little hard to see. i'm might have to give them a thin shadow.

the top part of those shelves needs a colour...not sure which one yet.

i knew there was a good reason to have old books: prettiness!
and that little bike is from oxfam, thanks to cayla little!

aww, my little warm friend. thanks to hayley campbell and auspost
(he has a bag of wheat inside that you can heat up and then hug him for hours! it's great)

frame and cup from one of the best antique shops here; paper doll from my mum

1950s phone table? yes please.

my cute little tray, complete with the burley griffin lp, 
from the same shop as the frame and phone table. love that place.

stuff i have, on my dresser. that dresser is hideous without pretty things on top...
it needs to be lovely on its own, but how? we'll see.

who says rubbish can't be pretty?

just to finish, because they're prettying up my kitchen,
some flowers...they're not mine, haha, but i can enjoy them, and i can put them in my blog.

i have recently been reminded by the Lord that he loves when i love to spend time with him.
just for him and not for answers.
he loves to be with me.
and he's with me everywhere, every moment. 
but isn't it nicer to hang out with him somewhere pretty?
there's a reason he put adam and eve in a garden to start with.
beauty is where it's at. beautification is a good thing.

that's all i've got for the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Your room looks lovely, you have a graet taste in decorating.
