10 November 2014


well, i have lived in los angeles county for nine days, and i like it.

there have been a few moments where my brain says to me, "WHAT THE HECK?!" but they're only moments, and they are quickly replaced by pure joy and excitement at the sight of palm-tree-lined streets.
i honestly wouldn't have thought palm trees could make me that happy, but apparently they do.

i feel honoured and blessed to be here. i know that it will be a challenge, i know that there is smog and traffic and five terrible streets for every lovely one, but it feels like a gift of a challenge, like how putting together ikea furniture is a challenge but then you have fun ikea furniture. only this is better than ikea furniture, though probably equally as uncomfortable.

i drove to redding last wednesday, after a trip to target with my mom, and one last tea from ike box. my beautiful friend chantel drove with me from redding to san jose to van nuys, which is where i actually live. she put up with my tired self and blessed me with prayers and the occasional "woo hoo!" as well as the occasional reminder, "holly, you live in l.a.!"
i've said the same thing to myself a few times over the last week, just to make sure i actually understand it: holly, you live in l.a.!


the drive down was lovely, as lovely as a sixteen foot budget truck can be (let's face it though, the awesomeness of driving a truck that large mostly outweighs the trampoline-like feel and the 6-10mpg...six to ten?! who even knew that was possible).
i-5 goes through a lot of nothing in the midsection of california, and then a lot of beautiful hills, and then a lot of hills that you know will be so much more beautiful when the rain comes. and it'll come, i've been praying for it. it actually rained the day we arrived, which was glorious.

that's really all there is to report. i found the closest target and trader joes, so everything is going to be okay.

there's a lot to pray into, a lot to listen for, a lot of people to meet, and a lot of places to discover. there are also a thousand restaurants and coffee shops that need to be visited. and beaches that need to be sat on. i'm excited for all of it. so many adventures to be had.

i plan to blog about things God is teaching me, things i'm pondering, etc, as i always (intermittently) have. i plan to not blog a lot about ventures in l.a., outside of the occasional anecdote. i know that may sound weird, but i have my reasons. i plan to form a little email group of people who would like to stay informed about the "l.a. ventures" side of things for the purpose of prayer, a bit like a cheer squad, but without pom-poms, and with no need to ever chant anything...not really anything like a cheer squad.
okay, fine, i'll tell you my reason.
everything that i hope to pursue here is relational. it's all about building relationships, knowing people deeply, loving people well. hopefully forming community out of that. hopefully building a coffee shop for that. but it's all about people. and i don't want any of those people to feel weirded out or unloved or like projects because there's a blog on the internet chronicling our friendship. that's just weird, it's not normal friendship. and it seems a little exploitative.


if you would like to support me in prayer, or help me cover the county of los angeles in prayer, or join together with what God is up to in los angeles (same/same/same), please let me know and i will put you on a delightful little list in a fantastic little program that helps me email groups with finesse, and sends me pictures of high fives when i send emails successfully.

you all are the best, thank you for your encouragement, and your cautionary tales of southern california, i appreciate them all equally.

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