24 October 2010

a change of scenery

though i have recently had a lovely change of scenery, i have very little inspiration to write this blog, it is coming much more out of obligation as i haven't written in a while. as a result it will merely be a series of photos with brief narrative that reflect my recent change of scenery.

it is fitting that a change of scenery should begin with a change of perspective...
which began with a breaking of glasses.

following the breaking of these glasses i purchased a design magazine that came with a cute felt wallet, which i proceeded to leave in the bathroom moments after purchasing it, and moments after discovering my fatally injured glasses in my purse. 

i then boarded a plane a half an hour after the scheduled departure time, disembarked and spent the one hour and thirty-five minutes between 12:05am and 1:40am waiting in lines at the airport, spent $20 on credit i could not use only to discover the call i needed to make was free from a pay phone, called the hotel shuttle and arrived at the lowest-budget budget hotel i have ever seen. 

upon arrival i discovered that the room-with-en suite i booked was not reserved and hence walked to my room-a-foot-wider-than-the-bed, plopped down my stuff, and sought out the communal shower. the communal shower could not have fit anyone larger than me and failed to produce anything other than frigid water. thus, i sought out the communal unisex toilet and washed my fringe in the sink which, frustratingly, produced lovely hot water. 

i spent the hours of 3am to 6:20am alternating between 5 minute naps and laying awake listening to traffic and squeaky floor-boards overhead and then rolled out of bed, unplugged the tv to plug in the kettle, and had some green tea and a rice cracker for breaky while getting dressed. 
at ten minutes to seven, a woman knocked on my door to inform me that it was 7 o'clock and my shuttle was leaving, at which point i scrambled to shove everything in my suitcase (including my hot hair-straightener) and hauled myself outside into the very chilly morning. 

i was to catch a bus at the airport that would take me somewhere to catch another bus which would take me somewhere to catch another bus which would take me to my final destination, tauranga.
there is much too much to tell about those bus trips, but i will mention a lot of purposeful but misguided walking, many attempts to make up for the night of non-sleep, and one moment trying to balance a suitcase, guitar and cup of coffee whilst hurrying across a crosswalk only to discover i could not balance these three items thus causing me to leave my suitcase in the crosswalk, dump my guitar on the sidewalk, take a final swig of the coffee, dump it in the trash and run back for my belongings.

but i made it to tauranga, five hours later, and i am alive, and it is beautiful.

the scene from where i love to sit and read, drink tea, etc...

view from the other side...

technology is most creepy when it does things you don't ask it to, like photograph you...

my adoptive family...

i do have a few thoughts on a few things that i'm sure will be posted soon enough, they just aren't done quite yet.

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